Co-edited (with Michael Kho Lim), Sine ni Lav Diaz: Evolution of a Filipino Auteur, Intellect & University of Chicago Press (2021).
Co-edited (with Vikrant Kishore & Amit Sarwal), Salaam Bollywood: Representations and Interpretations, Oxford and New York: Routledge, 2016.
Co-edited (with Vikrant Kishore & Amit Sarwal), Bollywood and Its Other(s): Towards New Configurations, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
‘The Non-Populist Popular and
the Cinematic Apocrypha’, in Prasanta
Chakravarty (ed.), Populism and Its Limits:
After Articulation, New Delhi: Bloomsbury,
'Jesus, Magdalene, and the
Filipino Judas: Lav Diaz and His ‘Artless
Epics’’, in Parichay Patra & Michael Kho Lim
(eds.), Sine ni Lav Diaz: A Long Take on the
Filipino Auteur,
Intellect/University of Chicago Press, 130-45.
'The Way Cinema was Banished: The Intervention of Cinema Studies in India.' In Salaam Bollywood: Representations and Interpretations, eds. Vikrant Kishore, Amit Sarwal and Parichay Patra (Routledge, 2016)
'Bombay Cinema’s Aesthetic Other: Hindi Shastriya Cinema in Retrospect' In Bollywood and Its Other(s): Towards New Configurations, eds. Vikrant Kishore, Amit Sarwal and Parichay Patra (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)
‘1968 and Global Cinema’,
Transnational Screens, Vol. 12, Issue 1, (2021),
'Beyond the Metanarratives of Indian Cinema: Review of Priya Jaikumar’s Where Histories Reside: India as Filmed Space', forthcoming in Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture
'Memorias de la revolución: Historia, Cine y lo Contemporáneo' Cine Documental 19 (2019), pp. 116-27, in Spanish.
“A Tale of Two Festivals: International Film Festival of India and Experimenta.” Senses of Cinema 86 (March 2018).
“In Defence of A River Called Titas.” Senses of Cinema 82 (March 2017)
'Confused Auteurism: What has Adoor Gopalakrishnan got to do with it?' Synoptique 4.2 (Winter 2016): 158-65.
'Politics as Performance: An Ambitious Exploration of Cine-Politics in Andhra Pradesh' Synoptique 3.1 (Spring 2014): 160-66.
'Spectres of the New Wave: The State of the Work of Mourning, and the New Cinema Aesthetic in a Regional Industry.'Journal of the Moving Image 10 (2011).